Student Services

From navigating your university’s learning portal and support in accessing study resources, to managing your study load, the CUC team is here to help you.

Student engagement

At the CUC, we appreciate that you may face additional challenges and stressors, including disability, financial constraints, and caring or work responsibilities.

The CUC team wants you to succeed and is available for a coffee and a chat, referral to university or other services, or to help you manage your study workload alongside other demands.

The Centre Manager is trained in mental health first aid and are committed to supporting your well-being.

Practical support and advice

For both current and future students, university administrative processes can be daunting and frustrating, particularly when you are studying remotely.

We can help with navigating university learning portals and connecting with the appropriate university services to meet your individual needs. This may include access and inclusion requirements; applying for extensions or special considerations; or referral to progression teams, library services, and other student supports.

Our team also assists students in finding and applying for scholarships.

Study Resources

Are you new to higher education, returning after an extended period or needing guidance around assessment tasks? The Centre Manager can help you settle into study and become confident with academic and university processes.

Study spaces

If you need a quiet study space without the interruptions and competing demands of home then take a look around our well-equipped Centre. In our modern, purpose-built facility, you’ll find:

  • a dedicated quiet study room with computers and space to work on personal devices;
  • an external classroom that can be used for seminars, tutorials, workshops, exams, and group work; and
  • space for student collaboration and break out, including kitchen and outdoor space.

Since studying in the daytime isn’t always possible, the CUC will be open to registered students from 7:00 am to 12:00 midnight, seven days a week, and are staffed during business hours.


If your Wi-Fi has ever dropped out when a deadline is approaching, you’ll know that reliable, fast internet is essential for online study.

Your Centre will offer access to high-speed internet (100 Mbps connection) as well as desktop computers, printing and copying equipment, and video conferencing facilities.


We can help take the stress out of sitting exams remotely. The Centre will provide professional exam invigilation services with supervision and exam rooms.